Museoteca - Map of Wilderland, J.R.R. Tolkien
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Informations chef-d'oeuvre

Titre: Map of Wilderland
Artiste: J.R.R. Tolkien


This pictorial map is designed to appeal to children. Packed with detail, it rewards the attentive reader with glimpses of the giant spiders lurking in Mirkwood, the huts of the Woodmen nestled in the forest further south, and the menacing figure of Smaug flying over the Lonely Mountain.

This map appeared as the endpaper in the first edition of The Hobbit. Although it was drawn by Tolkien in blue and black ink, the publishers printed it in a more eye-catching red and black. MS. Tolkien Drawings 35. Reproduced with kind permission of The Tolkien Estate Limited for the Bodleian Libraries exhibition Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth.

© The Tolkien Estate Limited 1937.

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